Team Expansion & Validation Fix
During the past week of development, our team discovered a validation issue that has stunted the Marketplace development as our developers are working to resolve the issue that has put our Go-Live date of Monday, September 6th in question. After a product meeting this evening, we have made the difficult decision to delay the launch of the Marketplace & Genesis Competition to Monday, September 13th. This decision was made to allow our Dev and QA team’s ample time to resolve the issues and prepare for a complete, successful launch. This decision was made with the community in mind, and what is best for the long term project goals.
In conjunction with the validation issues and time to resolve — we are happy to announce that we are expanding our development team with another talented full stack developer. While he prefers to remain anonymous at this time due to NDA — he has ample experience in this space and also with Game Development, something we have plans for post MVP 1.0 development.
Latest Marketplace dAPP Technical Updates
- Added GET transaction service API for testnet & mainnet
- Integrated transaction API, added Asset Event table & Paginator on asset detail page.
- Updated Asset List Modal, shortenAddress function
- Updated footer & paginator styling issue
- Handling API throttled issue
Second Token Burn
We are excited to share that we are burning 187.5 BILLION Grey Tokens (Over $450,000 at current price!). This will be our second burn, for a total of 375 BILLION grey tokens burnt. We plan to do additional burns as needed to reduce the total supply for the community.
“The Grey Space” — Video Streaming App Going Mobile?!
With Mobile Devices accounting for over 68.1% of all website visits Globally, we are excited to announce that our Video Streaming & Submission will be available on both Android & iOS, later this week!
Having the goal of being the Premier Paranormal Community on the Blockchain — we are focused on providing access to our platform and media to as many users as possible. We will share the announcement via our social media’s once complete — however we are on track to adding another medium for users to get exposed to our ecosystem and community.
About us: Website
Contact us: Twitter | Telegram Group | Telegram Channel